Friday, 31 May 2013

Life Before Babies vs Now....

Slightly off the breastfeeding subject, but yesterday I found myself pushing my 2 year old Daughter on a swing at the local park, whilst simultaneously jiggling/rocking a niggly baby (my son, 10 months), having a by-proxy conversation with a little girl we sort-of-know from playgroup on behalf of my Daughter, and making small talk with the little girls Mummy. I was sweating as not only does my son weigh a ton and my daughter demand to be pushed "HIGH AND FAST INTO THE SKY!", but also it was one of those infuriating looks-cold-but-is-actually-warm-especially-when-pushing-a-buggy-and-running-after-a-toddler days. Having learned my lesson when it comes to outdoor attire when out with the bambinos, I stripped a layer off as soon as I could sit down to feed my now screaming son. 

Breastfeeding on a park bench whilst shouting to my toddler "get down!...Not until Mummy can lift you!..Stop it!...Walk up the STEPS!" etc etc is just a regular kinda thang for me nowadays. As is multi tasking on a mass scale every single day, and it got me thinking, how does my LBB compare to now? (That's Life Before Babies). Hmm...

2002 - Necking litres of coffee to stay awake and finish my dissertation/study for finals
2012 - Drinking enough coffee to keep me from actually tripping over my own eyebags whilst staying within the safe limit when breastfeeding 

2003 - Elated to buy our first home AND begin my career as a Headhunter
2013 (Feb) - Elated to sell our first home (for less than what we paid, cheers for that market crash, thank feck we had equity) and to JUST be able to give up work to be a Stay At Home Mummy 

2000 - Partying at Uni (yay!) at home (yay!) and on a girly holiday abroad (yay!) biggest worry; not puking during lectures
2010 (March) - Throwing my guts up at home (urgh) in the car whilst driving (feck) and in the office toilets (gross) biggest worry - getting through the day without puking (should NOT be called morning sickness)

2008 - After a stressful and long (8 - 6 + an hour commute each way) day in the office (conference calls, sales pitches, new business targets, client liaison) bliss is kicking my shoes off at home, ordering a Chinese takeaway and having a long soak in a hot bubble bath, followed by a night of TV cuddled up to my Fiancé 
2013 (May) - After a stressful and long (6 - 11 + on average 3 night wakings) day (breakfast thrown all over floor, tantrums x 5, a battle to get one sock on, a struggle to find the time to brush my teeth, fetching/carrying/picking things up constantly, a walk to the park, cleaning the kitchen twice, vacuuming whilst preventing a 10 month old from climbing the stairs - and that's all before midday) bliss is settling both babies before 9pm and having an hour to myself before tidying up and crashing out 

2006 - Boyfriend takes me to Prague and proposes to me in an underground restaurant, we drink bubbly and stroll hand in hand as I dream about a fairy tale wedding
2011 (Jan) - Husband takes me to Burger King whilst we're on a middle of the night car ride to try to get our Daughter to sleep, we travel in silence as I dream about a decent nights kip

2009 (Sept) - Honeymoon; luxury hotel Greece, cannot choose between the A la Carte, Beach-Front Seafood, and Asian Fusion Restaurants 
2012 (August) - Seaside Resort; North East Coast England, cannot decide what hurts most, nipples, C-Sec Scar or eyes when I see what I look like (2 year old and newborn who feeds every 2 hours...) 

2007 - "Stress" is a long day, perhaps a client meeting with my boss or an industry show with pressure to network and win new business
2013 - Stress is being in a supermarket with a screaming toddler who needs a wee, a trolley full of shopping and a baby on my hip - all on 5 hours sleep

2007 - Spend £100 on BBQ food for our friends, turns into a wild party, end up getting so drunk I can't leave the sofa the next day
2010 - Spend £30 on colic medicine, up all night with unsettled baby, spend all next day crying with exhaustion 

2005 - Pampering is a long hot bath with bath bomb, exfoliate, shave legs, wash hair in shower, deep condition, moisturise body, paint nails, give self pedi, pluck eyebrows 
2013 - Pampering is a shower alone (no toddler sat under me) lasting more than 5 minutes, a bonus being the chance to slap some cream on and the time to brush my washed-but-not-always-conditioned hair before I scrape it into a bobble 

With all of the above though, and reflecting seriously on how life has changed, I should add a couple more ;-)

 2009 - Thinking wow...after 3 years of planning this is the happiest day of my life as I dance with my new Husband on our wedding day 
2012 - The doctor shows me my baby - seconds old -  and wow...after not knowing the sex I realise that I have 'one of each' - it's a boy :-)

2006 - Catching the way my Fiancé looks at me as he's about to propose and feeling butterflies 
2010 - Catching the way my Husband looks at our newborn Daughter when he thinks I'm asleep in the hospital, and feeling utterly knocked sideways and blown away by love 

2007 - Happiness is a good week at work, a night with friends, spending loads of yummy time with my gorgeous Fiancé, a new book, a shopping spree, a meal out, a tidy house, a good film...
2013 - Happiness is having the worst nights sleep, the most tiresome day, a messy house, snapping at my Husband...then still having one of those spontaneous, random moments of pure joy with our babies, and feeling like nothing matters but them and that I'm the luckiest woman in the world

Saturday, 25 May 2013

10 obscure feeding locations - if they want feeding they get fed!

Bank Holiday silliness has taken over me; it must be the rare glorious sunshine I've been exposed to today. As such I feel quite inspired to share with you a list of weird and wonderful places I have breastfed my babies...

1. On a bench at the end of the tills at Asda (with 20 checkouts - each boasting a hefty queue - all facing me)*

2. On our local park whilst assisting my Daughter with the tricky climbing frame steps

3. Perched within a display of bucket & spades at Toys r Us

4. Stood within the bakery isle of Sainsburys (that fresh bread smell they waft must have made him hungry)*

5. On the spectator seats at the swimming baths - both dripping wet 

6. At a Birthday party (surrounded by the entirety of the party)

7. Walking around a fairground 

8. Amongst the garden furniture - sat in a gazebo - at our local garden centre 

9. Sat on the loo at home (he did NOT want to be latched off)

10. In the corner of Ikea's toy section (not that they don't provide a really lovely (refreshingly) area to feed in their restaurant, but needs must) 

I've touched on it above with Ikea but Ill post soon about my experience of feeding rooms/areas; the good, the bad and the ugly! Most of the above list concerns my Son, who was born last July. With my Daughter (now almost 3) I was a very nervous about feeding in public. That's another thing I'm so passionate about 'normalising' in order to make new Mums/breastfeeders more confident and comfortable - feeding in public. 

*better that than in a smelly nappy change/feed room - but that's a rant for another day. 

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

OUCH! What I Wish All Potential Breastfeeders Knew!

It's taken me a while to post again but I really am keen to get this blog going and so I thought I'd start by sharing something that really irks me, it's what I really wish all pregnant women/potential breastfeeders knew...

IT HURTS AT FIRST! I'm going totally against the grain of a lot of established and traditional advice, but my Mum told me when I was pregnant with my Daughter (my first born) and I am so greatful that she did. In my opinion, it flipping well WAILS at first and (don't shoot me) I actually think it's natural that it does. 

I strongly feel that if women weren't made to feel that they were "doing it wrong" when it hurts, they'd carry on for longer. They would have a focus through the agony. I wish that there was someone to tell women who are first time breastfeeders that if they can get through the first week, they will come through the pain. I have spoken to women who said that it hurt them so much that they couldn't do it long term. It makes me so sad to think that no one told them that it does stop hurting.

If I see one more Its Not Supposed To Hurt article I'll implode. I'm not an expert or official consultant, but I have spoken to a lot of women who Breastfeed and 90% tell me that it hurt them (toe curling pain was a common description) at first. My Husband used to cringe and wince watching me latch our Daughter on at first; I used to swear, cry, gasp...but after 20 seconds it didn't hurt and by week two I was latching her on pain free.

I'm unsure as to why the initial pain has to be shrouded in secrecy but honestly...after going through pregnancy and birth women deserve to know the truth, and they deserve to know that they can get through it and the pain fades.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Introducing myself

As my intro states I'm a Mummy of two; a girl (2) and a boy (9 months) and I'm keen to help promote and endorse breastfeeding. As someone who went from career - I spent 9 years as a Headhunter - to mummy hood (via planning my wedding for 3 years) I feel that there isn't enough accessible and non-official/preachy info and support for us ladies when it comes to Breastfeeding. I'd also like to Blog about parenting generally, if I get a minute...

I gave up work after my Son was born, I went back out of necessity after having my Daughter but thankfully we can just about manage with me at home now. I'll be sharing those experiences soon too. 

Please be patient with me while I get on my blogging feet, I'd love to hear from any fellow BF (Breastfeeding) bloggers, or anyone with suggestions for posts etc xx