Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Magical Breastfeeding Facts

There are always fact & figures, articles and new studies being published about Breastfeeding. Every now and again, I experience, remember or discover something simply magical and awe-inspiring about Breastfeeding. Here are 5 of my favourite facts, which still and always will amaze me...

1. Breastmilk heals baby when applied EXTERNALLY! 
...When my Daughter was 2 weeks old she got "sticky eye". What did the nurse suggest I do? Express a little breast milk and dab it on. I was speechless but it worked, and I've since used it on both babies to treat not only sticky/sore eyes but also nappy rash -  breastmilk is sterile and has antibacterial and antiseptic healing properties. How clever :-)

2. Magic telepathic chain of events ;-)
...As baby sucks on Mummy's nipple, a hormone called oxytocin is released which stimulates myoepithelial cells causing milk to eject from the milk sacs, this is what's called letdown. Amazingly, letdown can be stimulated by a Mummy just hearing or thinking of her baby and, mind-blowingly, I could never express unless I looked at a picture of or actually stared at my babies, which is really common apparently!

3. Beverage for all seasons
...On a recent holiday where the daily temperature reached 36 degrees, I noticed my son breastfeeding more frequently but for shorter periods, and I could tell that my milk was thinner (by his gulps). This is another brilliant trait of booby milk; it changes in consistency to suit babies needs; so in hot weather it becomes more hydrating and thirst quenching. It is also a known fact that a Mummy's breasts can detect the slightest change in her babies temperature when cuddling skin-to-skin, and they literally heat up to warm baby. I mean, WOW.

4. Babies communicate with breastmilk
...This sounds bonkers but is scientifically proven. When a baby is poorly, his/her saliva stimulates the breast which then de-codes it in order to make antibodies specific to that illness. So feeding isn't just a comfort to babies feeling under the weather, it heals them too. 

5. Natures painkiller, soother and relaxant 
...Breastmilk contains endorphins which release happy feelings in a baby, as well as the hormone mentioned earlier, oxytocin, which reduces stress, calms, and even promotes sleep. Amazingly, breastfeeding also releases a potion of hormones that help relax and instantly chill out the breastfeeding Mummy.

Here I am in a recent pic, snuggling and feeding my 11 month old baby boy. Doesn't his little face say it all, just magic ;-) 

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